VIETNAM handline & longline tuna FIP
Sea Delight has sourced yellowfin tuna from the handline and longline fisheries in Vietnam since 2011.Starting March 27, 2012 Sea Delight began implementing improvements within their own supply chain through a better fishing practices initiative (BFPI). The overarching goals of the BFPI were to increase the use of circle hooks among longline fishing vessels, increase observer coverage aboard longline vessels, and move the BFPI toward a FIP.
Sea Delight’s BFPI was successfully completed in October 2013 and the company has since transfered the FIP to be managed by Sea Delight Ocean Fund and also signed a partner agreement (MOU) with WWF-VN and WWF-CTNI Sea Delight to become a recognized FIP Partner in good standing.
The FIP is now proceeding with its Action Plan and has been making steady progress and a new MOU with WWF-US and Sea Delight was signed in March 2016 to bring Sea Delight’s FIP involvement with WWF in Peru, Ecuador, and Vietnam into alignment. The stated end goal for the improvement project is MSC certification in 2020.
fip documents FIP Tracking Profile
For comments, recommendations, or participation inquiries, please contact:
Stephen Fisher Sustainability Director, Sea Delight