Feb. 8, 2019. IT code writers, Tran Quang Tuan and Huynh Quoc Dat from the Vietnam Tuna Association have completed the trial version of a new Android app designed by Sea Delight Sustainability Director, Stephen Fisher. Called the “Crew Observer Photographic Protocol Application”.
The app is a simple “point and shoot” system that requires minimal writing or language skills and guides the operator in selecting and identifying the species being photographed. It also marks each image with date, time and GPS location stamps that allow the creation of a Google Map of each fishing trip.
When the trip is over the “Trip Report”, which includes the photos and information of each “Catch Event”, is uploaded from the Android device to an encrypted, cloud-based file as soon as Wi-Fi service is available and “End Trip” is selected.
The app will be shared with multiple fishery and technology stakeholders at the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) “Hackathon” next week in Bangkok. Through collaboration at the event it is hoped a more polished version for onboard trials in both the Vietnam Hook and Line Tuna FIP and the Vietnam Handline Swordfish FIP will be quickly developed.
It is hoped that the photographic catch data collected by crew members using COPPA can supplement data being collected by limited and expensive WCPFC-qualified observer trips. It is also expected that some COPPA trips will be combined with observer trips to help verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the COPPA system.
As always, new developments on the app roll-out will be reported here.
Examples using actual Android pad screen shots below:
COPPA logo
The operator first selects the general type of animal encountered (shortened menu for trial version)
The species page. These are typical shark species from the Vietnam fisheries
The catch data is verified by FIP managers and a Google Map of the trip is created.
(This was land-based trial in Nha Trang, Vietnam)